Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Catalog Help

Use the following tips when searching The Catalog for items:
  • Use upper or lower case letters -- it doesn't make a difference in your search.
  • Punctuation is optional; you may leave out commas, colons, periods or apostrophes.
  • Spelling can affect your search results. Misspelled words can lead to an error message or a "no results" message.
  • For author, title, subject searches, if you are unsure of a spelling, type as much of the word or last name as you know.
  • When performing a Title search, type as much of the Title as you know starting with the first word. Do not type A, An or The, if they are the first words of the title.
  • For keyword searches, spelling must be exact.
  • Always type the LAST NAME first.
  • Remember, you are searching a county-wide catalog system. If you are having trouble locating an item in one library, try expanding your search to a region or to the entire county, by using the Look in the following location. As always, you can request an item and it will be delivered to the library of your choice.

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