With so many books to chose from, it can be very difficult to decide what to read. Fortuantely for us book lovers out there, two of the finest reader's advisory websites are just a few clicks away! NoveList and Whichbook.net
Whichbook.net is a very original and unique way to find the perfect book for you. Whichbook.net allows you to browse a database of books by selecting specific elements that you find the most interesting. Chose your level of how sad or happy the book is, how funny or serious, if it is larger than life or a more realistic read, or if it is a optimistic or bleak novel. With many other personalized options such as characters and settings, Whichbook.net is sure to provide the type of book that will fit your mood! Accessible
without your library card number on any internet computer.
NoveList is a library database, accessible from any internet computer
with your library card number, that provides read-alikes, lists of award winning literature, bibliographies, and book reviews on a varitey of genres.
Access NoveList by following these steps:
1. Go to the Bethel Park Library website:
http://www.bethelparklibrary.org/2. Click on the "Find It!" link at the top of the library website.
3. Click on the "Databases A-Z" link.
3. Scroll down the alphabetical list of databases and click on "NoveList".
Must have a Library card from any Allegheny County Library.
Questions on what to read? Please ask your librarian!